Purifying Love

Lord, thank you for the sunrise
And early morning light
The coo of mourning dove calling to her kin

Thank you for the pain and grief
That draws me to your heart
And births in me humility
Freeing me from sin.

Thank you for my family,
Friends gathered on the way,
For trials and joys of life
‘Tis worth them both, I know

Thank you for the sunrise
When the Morning Dove returns
With joyful notes resounding

Purifying love.

Hero / Saint

The recent epidemic in China brought a flood of news about the fear of the population; fear of contracting the disease through contact with people who exhibit symptoms of the Corona virus. In some areas people are confined within the their towns and cities. Those aboard ships are being prohibited from going ashore. Face masks, disinfectants are in short supply.

My husband related the story of one Chinese man who decided to confront his fears and use his car for transporting those exhibiting symptoms of the virus to hospitals. He used face masks at first  and when they ran out he used his coat for protection. The report was broadcast on the radio.

When disaster strikes, heroes come forth and saints are made. Don’t know if this hero was Christian but he is certainly  living what Jesus declares: “Greater love has no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.”  We may never hear what becomes of this person; perhaps he is a saint among saints unknown.

Speaking Up: Both Sides Now

As the second term of President G.W. Bush was about to end, he declared the last Sunday before the new president took office the National Sanctity of Life Day as he did in every year of his presidency.  Then on January 24, 2009 President Barack Obama took office. On January 27 we journeyed to the March for life as usual and were greeted with the news that our new president rescinded the Mexico City Policy of President Bush, thus allowing funding abortion overseas with American tax dollars.

Remnants of the inauguration of the first black (or person of color) president in the history of our country remained. Unfortunately we did not celebrate his victory that year or in the eight years of his presidency in light of his views and actions regarding abortion. With more zeal than ever crowds marched and numbers increased. The walk was shortened and we had to wait longer to begin the walk after the speeches. However, determination and enthusiasm along with great numbers of young marchers buoyed our spirits. Dedicated pro-life congress members rallied as usual speaking up for life.

I will never forget a Baptist minister accompanied by some folks of his congregation. He gave a powerful speech rebuking the new president for his pro abortion platform. They were members of the same race as our president. But race had nothing to do with abortion except as this minister stated, the numbers of their children aborted being far above the percentage of whites.

As always the March was peaceful and prayerful. People from across the country united. As we proceeded to exit the event walking down to Union Station to board our bus, a rotund policeman with dark skin complimented our group. I managed to attended several Marches during  President Obama’s term.

Eight years later I was not able to tolerate the trip to DC when President Trump was in office. But I watched as Vice President Pence spoke at the rally along with Kelly Ann. We once again had a pro-life president. and pro-lifers everywhere rejoiced when President Trump himself spoke this year in typical ‘Trump style’, forceful and direct’. The amazing thing was he looked out on the crowd and saw a generation of young people who survived Roe V Wade and hoped to see both sides– during and after the legalization of abortion in our country.

]Please note: I have equal respect for all people and hope my words do not offend anyone. Also, my heart aches for women who have aborted a child. Many have come forward to reveal the grief they encountered having done so.}


Speaking Up: Second Add

In 1997 Bill Clinton had been president for four years and reelected for a second term in January. Just a few days later, the March for Life took place in DC. The most agregious act of his term occurred in April of 1996 when he vetoed the Partial-bIrth Abortion Ban allowing the brutal killing of babies up to birth by aspirating the brain and removing a child from its mother’s womb; scientifically whitewashed as dilation and extraction.

In contrast to the dark cloud hovering over the March in‘93 and ‘97 the mood of the March in 2001 brightened as President G.W. Bush spoke via satellite entreating the huge crowd as he cited the constitution ; … He concluded saying: Take heart, be strong, go forth. God bless you!

No one imagined in September of 2001 our president would be interrupted while reading to grade school children bringing news of an attack on our country with thousands killed as we watched the twin towers fall vertically to the ground like blocks a child tumbled. The Pentagon suffered 125 deaths in a second attack and a third plane thwarted and crashed through heroic action over Pennsylvania that, except for a few heroes, might have struck the area where we stood that January day in 2001. The grim fact devastated our nation with nearly 3000 dead, and 6000 injured. (More info may be accessed on Wikipedia.)

Devastating, yes. But a grain of sand as compared to the millions aborted and others injured, in many ways, by abortion.

Next up: 2009 and 2013