” Who Do You Say that I Am? “

Sometimes a phrase in the scriptures bothers me not knowing its real meaning. At times I research what is meant and find the answers. Every time I read or heard the Son of Man referring to Jesus, I was unsure why the title is given to Him because he is the Son of God.  I never bothered to reconcile this in my own mind.

In the Gospel reading today  the mother of the Sons of Zebedee asks Jesus to place them on His left and His right in His kingdom. In reply Jesus tells her it is not His to decide but the Father’s.  He also says: “…whoever will be great among you must be your servant; whoever would be first among you must be your slave. Jesus continues instructing the apostles: Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Then Jesus asks the twelve, who people say that He is. They reply John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets. But he goes further asking: Who do you say that I am?  All of them are silent until Peter replies: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

This time I asked my friend, Google, and the simple truth revealed itself. It was so evident yet I did not see it. Jesus is the Son of God but also the Son of Man. He is both divine and human. Although I knew this, I didn’t understand it. And furthermore, because we are called to imitate Him, being human as He is, we must suffer in some way as He suffered. And as He is The Son of God so we are sons and daughters of God the Father. It is the great mystery of suffering and death and resurrection and eternal life !

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